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Mexican Baseball5 School National Championship success; 400 students, 45 teams from five schools participate

The National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports (CONADE, Comisión Nacional de Cultura Física y Deporte), with the collaboration of the Municipal and School Sports Centres (CEDEM, Centros del Deporte Escolar y Municipal) launched in San Luis Acatlan, the first-ever Mexican Baseball5 School National Championship.

The event involved 45 teams and 400 players representing five schools of the Guerrero State. CONADE instructors supervised the activity. Ruben Bahena Robles, the National Teams coordinator for the Mexican Softball Federation, attended the games.

CEDEM Director, Arturo Contreras Bonilla, presented medals and awards to the participants.

The initiative is meant to serve as examples for the other 2,460 municipalities.

The School National Championship is expected to boost Baseball5 activity in the country with Baseball5 featuring in the Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2026.