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Troy PD investigating officer's use of force


TROY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -The Troy Police Department has been reviewing an officer's use of force after police say they were called to a large street fight early Friday morning. In a statement after the incident, Assistant Police Chief Steven Barker said any use of force while responding to a scene is inspected and held to the department's standards.

It was on 8th Street near Hoosick Street that officers described seeing, "an adult female wielding a long, stick-like object." She was taken into custody. During her arrest, police say another person is said to have, "verbally and physically interfered with the arrest." That man, David Gonzalez, told NEWS10's Ireland Walker that someone was dropped off near the 4th of July party and threw a mortar into the crowd; leaving holes in his friend's arm and leg.

"You don't need to lock her up. She had nothing to do with it. But my friend right there is bleeding out and he needs medical attention," described Gonzalez.

The police statement details that officers, "attempted to deter the male (Gonzalez) with verbal commands, then open-handed pushes. But after the male (Gonzalez) grabbed and pulled the arresting officer's arm in a two-handed hold, the officer resorted to additional defensive tactics."

What police call "additional defensive tactics," Gonzalez says was the officer swinging a punch that knocked him against a wall and onto the ground.

He explains his use of hands on the officer was a result of Multiple Sclerosis leaving him disabled. "I don't have great control over my balance and my legs and walking is just a struggle in itself."

Gonzales says he was also arrested. He is not taking legal action at this time; hoping authorities look further into what happened before his arrest. Chief Barker told NEWS10's Anthony Krolikowski that Troy PD is collecting more video evidence for their investigation. This will include what happened before and during the time police arrived on the scene as well as what is posted to social media.

NEWS10 submitted a FOIL request for footage from the body camera worn by the officer and it was denied. The newsroom plans to appeal the decision.