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Biden Is Outing the Mainstream Media


The Independent Journal Review highlighted this from the Daily Caller Foundation:

Dr. Marc Siegel on Monday criticized the media for what he said was their inaccurate characterization of President Joe Biden’s “lapses” as “gaffes.”

Corporate media’s years-long endeavor to suppress questions about Biden’s mental fitness faced a substantial setback after the president’s recent debate with former President Donald Trump. Siegel on “Fox & Friends” particularly noted the media’s description of Biden’s demonstration of “cognitive impairment” as mere “gaffes” was harmful to the president.

“We started pointing this out four years ago. I mean, the media is pointing it out now. With all due respect to George Stephanopoulos. I was talking about this with Sean Hannity four years ago,” Siegel said. “Because that’s when it looked like we were starting to see signs of what’s called mild cognitive impairment. To the public now it looks like it’s progressed more. We don’t know. I’m not his doctor. I haven’t examined him.”

“But there’s issues clearly with spatial orientation, with severe memory lapses,” he continued. “And another thing that the media did, which didn’t do him any favors, is call these gaffes. It’s not a gaffe if you have an error that’s related to something going on with your thinking, judgment, attention. These are really important things and the patient is always the last to know.”

Dr. Siegel is 100 percent right about the media. As is Fox’s Sean Hannity, who has been on target for years in pointing out Biden’s cognitive problems.

The real tell here is that with Biden’s problem now vividly on display in his debate with former President Trump and his ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos, the American people now get it entirely. (READ MORE: Biden Is Absolutely the New Thomas Eagleton)

The mainstream media, which dominates the news, deliberately and willfully hid the truth of Biden’s deteriorating cognitive condition from the American people.

If It Lied About Biden, Why Trust Anything Else the Media Says?

As stories flood that all manner of Biden insiders knew there were problems but chose to ignore them or deny them outright, the credibility of the mainstream media itself is dangling by a thread.

Why should the American people — not to mention the larger world — believe a single story about anything as reported by that media? All the business that former President Trump is some evil threat to democracy? A fairy tale meant to frighten voters into not voting for the Republican the media hates. Tax cuts are bad for the economy? Not true either, as was repeatedly demonstrated in the Reagan era when revenue went up. Cutting spending? That is good for the economy, not bad, as any head of a household can testify. Peace through strength? That would be one of the oldest principles in history.

And on and on go the examples.

The point now is that the whole Biden episode has finally ripped off the mask that pretends to present the mainstream media as truth-tellers when in fact, as the media’s behavior in the Biden episode has plainly demonstrated the media is more than capable of hiding the truth if doing so pushes and protects the media’s political agenda. (READ MORE from Jeff Lord: Four Days in July)

Now, with the mental deterioration of the sitting president of the United States out there for all to see? As it were from the old tale, the media emperor has no clothes.

This is exactly why the late Rush Limbaugh was so emphatic about the importance of conservative media. It is why our own R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. created The American Spectator. It is why William F. Buckley Jr. created National Review, why Christopher Ruddy created Newsmax and Rupert Murdoch Fox News. And on and on.

Conservative media has evolved as the one place in America where Americans can go to get the unvarnished truth about the events of the day.

And as the revelation of just how the liberal mainstream media protected Joe Biden becomes clear, the behind-the-scenes of how this game works is vividly out there for all Americans to see. (READ MORE: Establishment Media: The Dog That Did Not Bark)

Whatever else Joe Biden’s condition may be, it has had a serious — if forced — truth-telling effect on the mainstream media.

Thanks, Joe!

The post Biden Is Outing the Mainstream Media appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.