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How your LPT charge is determined

Overview How to value your property Valuing newly liable properties Revenue's interactive valuation tool Other information sources for valuing your property Factors that may affect your valuation How your LPT charge is determined How your LPT charge is determinedYour Local Property Tax (LPT) charge is the amount of LPT you should pay. You can use Revenue’s online LPT calculator to calculate your LPT.Your LPT charge depends onthe valuation band that applies to your property as at 1 November 2021andthe Local Adjustment Factor.Valuation bands and ratesLPT is charged according to the valuation band that applies to a property. Each band has a corresponding basic rate of LPT for the valuation period 2022 to 2025.The table below shows the rate that applies to each of the 19 bands for properties valued up to €1.75 million.Valuation band numberValuation band €LPT charge basic rate €10 – 200,000902200,001 – 262,5002253262,501 – 350,0003154350,001 – 437,5004055437,501 – 525,0004956525,001 – 612,5...