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The Art of the Stubble: How to Maintain the Perfect 5 O'Clock Shadow

If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation.HairHaircareBy Lee Kynaston Lee Kynaston Lee Kynaston is an award-winning journalist, beauty industry consultant, and former magazine editor with over 20 years experience writing about male grooming.Byrdie's Editorial GuidelinesUpdated on 06/14/24 11:04AM Though its waxed and waned in popularity over the years, over time stubble has become one of the most popular—and versatile—forms of facial hair. It might have started out with a bad rep re: looking "scruffy", but thanks to a rebranding in the ‘80s, when it suddenly became "designer," and with countless celeb endorsements, stubble is here to stay. So, we spoke with an expert men's stylist and world-leading shave expert to find out how to grow and maintain a 5 o'clock shadow. Read on for our masterclass in growing, styling, and conditioning your face’s very best friend.Meet the ExpertEsteffany Durán is director of recruitment and education for Birds Barbershop in Austin, TX,...