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Biden Calls Out The “Elites” in Democrat Party Attempting to Replace Him, Challenges Them to Run Against Him at Convention (AUDIO)


In a Monday morning phone call interview with MSNBC Morning, Joe Biden called out the “elites” in the Democrat Party that are attempting to replace him.

During the interview,  Biden stated, ” I’m getting so frustrated by the elites in the party.”

Biden continued, “If any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me.”

“Challenge me at the convention,” added Biden.


Per NBC News:

President Joe Biden began a crucial week for his candidacy by seeking to stamp out growing criticism by fellow Democrats who want him to step aside in the race.

Phoning into MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Monday, the president said the voters have chosen him and dared his Democratic critics who want him out to challenge him at the party’s August convention.

“I’m getting so frustrated by the elites in the party. … They know so much more,” Biden said, mockingly. “If any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me. Go ahead. Announce for president — challenge me at the convention!”

And in a letter Monday to Democrats in Congress, Biden said he’s “not blind to” the concerns within his party about his re-election bid, some of which he allowed were in “good faith.”

Throughout the interview, Biden’s tone was clearly frustrated and came off as angry.

The interview started with MSNBC Host Mika Brzezinski stating, “Joining us now is the 46th President of the United States and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden.”

Biden was bothered by being called the presumptive Democratic nominee and started off the interview by sharing, “I’m more than the presumptive; I’m going to be the Democratic nominee.”


The post Biden Calls Out The “Elites” in Democrat Party Attempting to Replace Him, Challenges Them to Run Against Him at Convention (AUDIO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.