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NEA President Goes on Unhinged Rant During Annual Meeting: “Our Students Are Depending On Us to Win All the Things”

NEA President Becky Pringle promises “All the things” in an unhinged rant./Image: Video screenshot.

Becky Pringle, the president of the National Education Association (NEA), went on an unhinged rant at the NEA’s Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA) in Philadelphia.

While Pringle flailed her arms, she screeched, “To unite not just our members, but the nation to reclaim public education as a common good, as the foundation of our democracy, and then transform it into something it was never designed to be—a racially and socially just and equitable system.”

“We worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt White House, but the reality is that the seeds that were sown during that horrible season continue to germinate.”

“We are the ones who help shape the heart of this nation’s hope and dreams. We are the ones who hold steadfast to the belief in the plausibility of the possible. We are the heirs of all who did this work before us. We must keep going. NEA Delegates, we can do this work. We must do this work.”

“Our students are depending on us to win all the things,” Pringle screeched. “All the things! All the things! All the things.”

Becky’s speech was mocked on social media for its similarities to Dwight Schrute, a character on the television show The Office.

NEA President Becky Pringle’s speech drew comparisons to Dwight Schrute from ‘The Office.’/Image: Video screenshots.

School choice advocate Corey DeAngelis told Fox News, “These power-hungry control freaks think they own your kids. They’re in a cult that worships government and detests parents. It’s time to defund teachers unions and allow the money to follow the child.”

“Becky Pringle pulled a Dwight Schrute. She is off-the-rails and desperate to maintain control over the minds of other people’s children.”

Watch her entire speech, and strong argument for homeschooling, below:

The post NEA President Goes on Unhinged Rant During Annual Meeting: “Our Students Are Depending On Us to Win All the Things” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.