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'Stay away from the Epstein chapter': Huckabee's 'Kids Guide to Trump' brutally reviewed


The panel on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" had a field day on Monday morning laughing at former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee hawking a "Kids Guide to Donald Trump" with co-host Joe Scarborough suggesting it should contain a chapter about "Orgy Island."

After showing a clip of Huckabee huckstering the book, "Morning Joe" regular John Heilemann immediately laughed and remarked, "Stay away from the Epstein chapter," referencing Trump's longtime relationship with the notorious child sex offender.

The hosts compared Huckabee's pitch to an earlier clip of a pitiful Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) pleading with Fox News viewers, "If you could afford 5 or 10 bucks, if you can't afford a dollar, fine, just pray. If you have money to give, give it."

With the panel laughing, Scarborough exclaimed, "So I don't have young kids but, you know, I'm just curious. So this Trump book that our good friend Mike Huckabee is putting out, a coloring book do we skip over the 'grab 'em by the' ... that chapter?"

"Do the kids color that in?" co-host Mika Brzezinski interjected.

RELATED: What the ‘Kids Guide to President Trump’ does not tell your children

"I'm wondering, what about the part where he says, 'Hey, we're going to shoot the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff'? Do they have Mark Milley up against the wall and do you color the rifles? What do the kids do for that?" Scarborough continued.

Noting the Trump once tweeted about Brzezinski having blood coming out of her face, she asked, "I don't know if they'd put that tweet in. What would they do with the blood going down my face?"

After guest Heilemann mention the possibility of Jeffrey Epstein being in the book, and to avoid that around kids, Scarborough suggested, "Call that chapter 'Orgy Island.'"

"What about, 'I didn't sleep with a porn star?'" Brzezinski added.

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MSNBC 07 08 2024 07 01 25