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Small Cap Value Report (Mon 8 July 2024) - placeholder


Good morning from Paul amp; Graham!
I updated my SCVR summary spreadsheet over the weekend, and we are now up to 552 unique companies covered here (including brief comments) 2024 YTD. 
"Profitable Growth"
This phrase seems to be appearing with greater frequency in trading updates.  It strikes me as being vague, and not really telling us much, if anything. Do you share that view, or is it just me over-thinking things, and/or being neurotic? Let's find out! I've set up a quick amp; simple online poll here. Please don't share this link, as I'm just trying to gauge opinion amongst Stockopedia subscribers. Then I can share the results with the PR/broking community, to give them some feedback. There's also a comment field where you can leave any additional views (up to 100 characters, the max allowed). Just a bit of fun, and if people like this, we can do some more polls!
Tell us your opinion here! 
Apologies, the survey is now full, as they start charging after just 25 responses, so I'll have to find some better survey system (I might set up my own on Google Forms, leave that with me for later).

Explanatory notes -
A quick reminder that we don’t...