Summoner DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities - Endwalker 6.55
1.Rotation Guide for SummonerThis page is dedicated to providing an in-depth analysis of the Summonerrotation.2.Rotation OverviewThe overall rotation structure involves a static loop, consisting of acombination of several short "phases." Each distinctphase will follow in successive order, as such: Summon Bahamut phasePrimals Phase #1 Summon Phoenix phasePrimals Phase #2Along with a simplified rotation loop, Summoner's GCD choices are entirely binary, inthat you have a designed GCD for "single-target" and "multi-target" output per eachphase of your rotation.3.Opening SequenceThe opening sequence for Summoner is designed to maximize damagegains in the opening raid buff window while setting the stage for yourfuture rotation alignment.Opening sequences are adaptable in that the alignment of oGCDs can bealtered to rotation-specific or buff-specific purposes. We can first take alook at what oGCDs are expected to be used, as well as what adaptations canbe made with regards to timing: Energy D...