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Telecom dept invites proposals on 'Quantum Standardisation, Testing Labs'


The Department of Telecom has invited research proposals on 'Quantum Standardisation and Testing Labs' from Indian academic institutions or research and development institutions, an official release said on Sunday.

The goal is to drive research and development in quantum technologies, ensuring the interoperability, reliability, and security of quantum communication systems.

These labs will serve as innovation hubs, uniting quantum technology developers, testing equipment manufacturers, and academic researchers to explore and harness the full potential of quantum technologies for the benefit of all citizens.

"The initiative aligns with the Prime Minister's vision for 'Jai Anushandhan', aiming to support research and development in telecom products and technologies that directly enhance the lives of Indian citizens," the release said.

It underlines efforts towards making India self-reliant in quantum technologies and setting global benchmarks in this cutting-edge field.

"The effort