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Kamala Harris President Now Would Be Biden’s Victory For Democracy – OpEd

Kamala Harris early appointment as president would be not only a powerful electoral vision, but also a spectacular lesson in democracy of America. No time for mono candidate contest.

Hollywood, supermarkets, minicomputers, and remote work have transformed a world sick with a crumbling old age of Europe (Nazism, racism, classism, ) into an open and modern world: it is a formidable positive fact, since the end of the Second World War that we have been living in an American world.

The opening to large-scale consumption, which never existed; the birth of the middle class, was not only unknown, but unthinkable everywhere; the space age, born not to lose the bet against Sputnik with the USSR and then overwhelmingly won; the era of global inert communication via computers, cell phones, satellites and the Internet, and now the Artificial Intelligence, all indicate that the planet is now modeled on American society for better and sometimes for worse. The shows produced by Hollywood are another exceptional cultural contribution to the world, often underestimated, but “Cinema” is the wonderful direct heir of Greek theater with a planetary audience. Personally, I will never tire of saying that one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR was the inability to create its own Hollywood.

But if the planetary development model is American, Europe has its own immense merits, philosophy, art, culture. The East has the most millenary schools of knowledge, unattainable and perhaps unreachable forever.  Vedas (the only sacred books that are called knowledge), Upanishads, Buddhism, tao, are authentic polar stars for the development of the anthrop; China, which thanks to America has emerged from thousands-year-old state of poverty, has become a factory for mass production of everything that surrounds us, and is fortunately not only among the great economic but also cultural actors on the planet.  Africa, from a land of human exploitation (slavery) and military theft of raw materials (mines), begins to develop an extraordinary vital energy that is just waiting to express itself democratically in spite of those who keep exploiting it.  Let's not forget that Homo Sapiens were born there, of which we are all an expression, with the dutiful exclusion of those who plan a war of total planetary destruction.

Now we must be aware that all these developments have an American matrix, of which there have obviously also been negative aspects that must be condemned, but if endless crowds of populations have arrived at a more dignified standard of living, health and education, it is because all countries have been inspired by the American model. Perhaps the time is not far off when the wealth of nations will no longer only be material (GDP) leading straight to the sixth mass destruction, but will be based on the most precious commodity of mankind, knowledge (GDPK). And even if this is happening for the first time in the East, the world must remember to say Thank you America, because it is only with the IT revolution, with satellites and with the Internet that this historical change is possible.

All this to say that today there is potentially a very special occasion to say thank you to America again. The American electoral process has made it possible to discover ahead of time that Biden's state of health, an excellent person, and a quality politician, prevents him from playing his electoral role as he would like, and as millions of voters who have chosen him would like. Biden's not very good (euphemism) health, however, has become the highway for an electoral race that is no longer democratic but one-way. The attack on democracy of this phenomenon must be evaluated because his state of health has become a highway for "mono candidate contests." And this is not good for democracy.  

In principle, that the winning candidate replaces the incumbent President is still healthy American democracy, already experienced with the mono-term Presidents. But the fact that Trump's victory is now announced daily thanks to Biden's poor health is a danger to be avoided precisely in the name of democracy. Americans have the right to choose between two models of political development, not to vote on the best health of the contenders. At present, there is a risk that Americans will not vote for Trump but will choose him to avoid having a weak person in the White House. The polls say that this is exactly what is happening. The state of health of the president reduces the margins of consensus, leading to a landslide of votes on the other side. 

If this landslide of electoral preferences increases, it is clear that the problem of replacing the candidate will no longer be a hypothesis, but a necessity. So why not anticipate the invitable with a courageous and far-reaching act of demcacy?

Biden, throughout his long political career, has been widely appreciated, rightly, by Americans and now has the opportunity to give a lesson in democracy that would set a precedent worldwide. His early resignation as president would be an American democratic demonstration

If there's one thing Biden certainly wants to accomplish, it's beating Trump. Now he can do it twice. His withdrawal from the electoral challenge deprives Trump of the announced focus of his health, the major electoral issue, already announced by Trump in full letters. Morevover Biden's resignation as president, transferring not only burdens, but also privileges to Kamala the natural electoral replacement, is the other unexpected political move that displaces his opponent. And pehaps this would be also from future elections, a gift forever to the democratic party, something that even among some Republicans would not be viewed with great sorrow.

But it must be remembered that “Kamala President now” is not just a visionary electoral card that Biden can play to defeat Trump, but it is also a victory for democracy in the name of America.