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Peach Leaf Curl: Symptoms, Treatment and Control | Planet Natural

Treatment, identification, and symptoms for Leaf Curl Disease.Peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) is a common fungal disease of peaches, ornamental peaches, and nectarines. It has also been found in apricot trees and occasionally in almond trees. The fungus infects leaves, fruits, blossoms, and shoots. While peach leaf curl is serious, there are ways to protect your trees from it.Peach Leaf Curl SymptomsAbout two weeks after the leaves emerge, they develop yellow or reddish raised areas. They become distorted and puckered as they grow. The raised areas become red or purple. Leaves often fall off of the tree. The leaves that remain will develop a white powder on them. This powder is velvety spores of the fungus, ready to spread when water splashes on them.Infected shoots are distorted and have small yellowish leaves, or leaves in rosettes (whorled). Flowers are distorted and may drop without forming fruit. The fruit has raised, scaley areas on it.Because the infected leaves are not abl...