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Resident in Democrat stronghold: 'Trump is our best bet right now'


President Donald J. Trump delivers his remarks Saturday, Feb. 29, 2019, during his appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Oxon Hill, Maryland. (Official White House photo by Tia Dufour)

It seems that even diehard Democrats in party strongholds, like California, are more than a little upset at Joe Biden's recent performance.

His presidential debate appearance, on stage with President Donald Trump, earned a bipartisan characterization as a catastrophe for Biden, and the Democrats.

Suddenly, and shockingly for those who have not previously pierced the coverup by legacy media about his true condition, his evidence of senility was front and center.

And in the headlines.

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A report in the Washington Examiner noted that California, the "blue heart of Democratic territory," now is "hemorrhaging party support."

It's been years since there has been a significant Republican power anywhere in the state, from cities and counties to the state bureaucracy, even the judiciary.

But the Los Angeles Times confirmed that traditionally Democrat California voters now are alarmed.

Citing Biden's obvious cognitive decline, they are "questioning if their party's presumed nominee has what it takes…"

In fact, that's been the subject of conversation even among Democrats since the debate's horrors.

"How are we supposed to have faith in a president that can’t even communicate right?" Antinya Walker told the publication. The Los Angeles resident continued, "I feel like Trump is our best bet right now."

In her county, Los Angeles, Trump got only 26% of the vote last election. But her voice is just one of many moving the same ideological direction, the report said.

The report continued, "Daisy Williams supported Biden in 2020, but she pulled her vote for the president after the debate. She believes Biden has dementia, according to the outlet, a question the White House shot down earlier this week after a reporter asked if the president has Alzheimer’s disease."

Williams said Biden's time "is up."

"I was embarrassed for him," explained Janice Gatlin, of Los Angeles. And Biden "needs to step down."

It was in Los Angeles that earlier clues about Biden's status and capabilities appeared. Reports confirm that at a fundraiser with Barack Obama, Obama appeared to lead Biden off the stage.

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