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100 Tiefling Traits - Dndspeak

1Patches of red scales along the Tiefling's arms.2Tiefling's eye color is inverted in their reflections.3Sheds skin once every 66 days, in the 6 days up to the molting the skin becomes gray and flakey, until it can be peeled off.4Horns grow forever, and must be filed weekly before becoming heavy and hindering.5Organs are reversed, pulse on right side etc. (I know that IRL the heart is in the center and only leaning left, suspend the disbelief please).6No nose, rather holes that expand and shrink like a snakes.7Smell with their (possibly forked) tongue.8Can't grow facial hair other than an ominous-looking goatee.9Can't lie while at least 25% submerged in a natural body of water.10Sweat turns to steam immediately, although not boiling or even hot.11Voice is a natural harmony, due to three sets of vocal chords.12One hand has fingers with five sections each, the other has fingers with two sections each.13Their horns grow like the branches of a tree and split at the ends that need to be tri...