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'Investigate!' Outrage as MAGA candidate accused of misdeeds at dangerous daycare he ran


North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, currently running for governor on a far-right MAGA platform, came under fire today for his proclamation endorsing political violence. Now he's also facing questions about a dangerous daycare he and his wife allegedly once ran.

According to The News & Observer, Robinson and his wife "were cited for numerous violations at the child care center they operated from 2000 to 2007, including a charge that the center presented falsified certification documents to state inspectors. Robinson’s wife, Yolanda Hill, was the owner of Precious Beginnings Child Development Center in Greensboro. Robinson himself took over management of the center after his wife began a job elsewhere. State inspectors made several unannounced visits to the center and cited it for dozens of violations."

Among the violations identified in inspection, said the report, were "failure to put sleeping infants on their backs, a lack of proper refrigeration of infant formula, improper storage of medications, exposed electrical outlets, staff members talking on cell phones while supervising children and the absence of a certified administrator on site." But one of the most serious allegations was that Robinson falsified government documents, making it appear that he had run criminal background checks on the people working in his facility when he had not done so.

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Notably, Robinson wrote in his book recounting his life that he was frustrated by how he had to face "so many regulations and red tape" to care for children at Precious Beginnings.

Commenters on social media were horrified by the news about Robinson, who has triggered an avalanche of outrage with his past remarks attacking school shooting survivors, claiming popular musicians are "Satanic," and downplaying the Holocaust.

"Kids are involved. Investigate thoroughly," wrote the account @BigEers.

"This guy is very pro-life except when it inconveniences him," wrote the account @ericharder.

"Interesting. He doesn't mind 'red tape' regulating wombs with a fetus' but once born, let them electrocute themselves, get sick from unsafe storage of formula and be kinda supervised by staff with no background checks. Have I got that right?" wrote the account @DropsOJupiter7.

"This boy makes Donald Trump look like a choirboy. And he could be the next Governor of North Carolina," wrote the account @GrandaddySpeak1.