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'Folks Need Killing': MAGA Gubernatorial Candidate Calls For Violence


GOP nominee for Governor in N.C. Mark Robinson has made a lot of hateful comments that should make him disqualified for any elected office, but this one tops that cake. It's as if Republicans are trying to out-MAGA each other with incendiary remarks. And, of course, the calls for political violence are increasing -- but only on the right.

Robinson is a staunch pro-lifer with a disdain for actual human life, and he's steeped in self-inflicted problems right now, like failing to file taxes for five years. Additionally, Robinson and his wife were cited for numerous violations at the child care center that they operated from 2000 to 2007. That includes a charge that the center presented falsified certification documents to state inspectors.

But let's move on to the murder-y part. It seems important.

Via The New Republic:

"Some folks need killing!" Robinson, the state's lieutenant governor, shouted during a roughly half-hour-long speech in Lake Church in the tiny town of White Lake, in the southeast corner of the state. "It's time for somebody to say it. It's not a matter of vengeance. It's not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It's a matter of necessity!"

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