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Connected leaders move faster


Great CIOs know technology moves fast, and connected leaders move faster.

CapitalCIO brings together the preeminent CIOs from Capital’s largest organizations to enhance leadership effectiveness, create value, mitigate risks and share successes. Member-led, noncommercial programs foster meaningful professional relationships, enabling collaboration on shared challenges to gain leadership advantage.

There is no textbook for how to be a great CIO. Leaders sharpen professional acumen through peer collaboration with others facing similar challenges. While industries and organizations vary in CapitalCIO, successful leadership approaches are universal.  

Members understand the “superpower” of trusted relationships. In any gathering of CIOs, the answer is “in the room”. Through regular member-led events and interactions, the collective power of executives working together generates immense value. Everyone wins when ideas, experiences, and best practices are shared in a collaborative and…

Read the full story from the Washington Business Journal.
