Wage Tax (employers) | Services
Due date The Wage Tax must be filed quarterly and paid on a schedule that corresponds with how much money is withheld from employees’ paychecks. See below to determine your filing frequency. Tax rate 3.75% for residents of Philadelphia, or 3.44% for non-residents To complete quarterly returns and payments for this tax, use the Philadelphia Tax Center. For help getting started, see our tax center guide. We no longer accept paper returns for this tax.Get an account or pay now Who pays the tax The Wage Tax is a tax on salaries, wages, commissions, and other compensation. The tax applies to payments that a person receives from an employer in return for work or services. All employed Philadelphia residents owe the Wage Tax, regardless of where they work. Non-residents who work in Philadelphia must also pay the Wage Tax.All employers located in Pennsylvania are required to register with the City of Philadelphia within 30 days of becoming an employer of either:A resident of Philadelphia, orA...