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Yankees, Reds players engage in national anthem standoff before 4th of July game


(FOX NEWS) – All players were standing outside of their dugouts with their caps over their hearts. But New York’s struggles trying to win anything as of late carried over into the little fun and games the players had. Yankees manager Aaron Boone then made the determination that enough was enough, and Hamilton and Poteet were sent back to the dugout. An elated Ashcraft went back to the visitors’ dugout to cheers and applause from his teammates.

Cincinnati entered the game looking for a sweep of the Yankees. New York have lost seven out of their last nine games going back to June 23rd’s loss to the Atlanta Braves.

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Luckily, the team has played well enough to earn 54 wins so far this year, but if there’s any team that is in need of the All-Star break right now, it’s New York.

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