States with no abortion limits often hide the number of babies killed
(LIFENEWS) – While pro-abortion advocates in the private and public sphere claim that abortion is healthcare, they are doing everything they can to demedicalize it, including advocating for eliminating or loosening abortion reporting requirements in states across the country (i.e. Michigan’s new law removing reporting requirements).
While other public health metrics are tracked and mandated to be reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), abortion reporting in the United States is entirely voluntary at the national level. As a consequence, no central repository of abortion data exists in the United States. Researchers, public health scientists, and the public therefore do not know the true number of abortions that occur each year, in part because some of the highest volume abortion states (California, Maryland, and New Jersey) do not report any data through their own health departments or to the CDC.
Instead, the public must rely on the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute’s estimates, released only sporadically, to get any approximation of the total number of abortions occurring in those high abortion-volume states. In 2020, Guttmacher Institute estimated that 154,060 abortions occurred in California and 30,750 in Maryland, which if reported to the CDC would have increased the total number of abortions in the U.S. by 30% (620,327 to 805,137). Michigan, New Hampshire, and North Dakota also do not report any abortion data. The CDC’s 2020 abortion total estimate is 50% lower than the 2020 abortion total that Guttmacher estimated.