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Dry Socket Packing Fell Out: Next Steps to Take

Dry Socket Packing Fell Out: Next Steps to Take Contents Title Show Contents Title Dry Socket Packing Fell Out: Next Steps to Take Experiencing a fallen dry socket packing after dental surgery can be concerning. Knowing the appropriate next steps to take is crucial for maintaining your oral health and promoting optimal healing.Understanding Dry Socket and Its TreatmentDry socket occurs when the blood clot, which forms at the extraction site to protect the underlying bone and promote healing, either dissolves prematurely or is dislodged. This exposes the bone and nerves to air, food particles, and bacteria, leading to increased pain and potential infection.Some common symptoms of dry socket include severe pain radiating to the ear, unpleasant taste or odor in the mouth, and an empty-looking socket. If you experience any of these symptoms after a tooth extraction, it is important to seek professional dental care promptly.Get Free Consultation ACIBADEM Health Point: The Future of Healthca...