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New smart water meters to blame for high water bills in Choctaw


CHOCTAW, Okla. (KFOR) — New smart water meter systems are now tracking the amount of water residents are using.

Sylvia Day says her water bill went from an average of $90 to $100 dollars, all the way up to $200 dollars.

Day told News 4, "They said we went through 25,000 gallons."

Choctaw resident's upset over new smart water system that tracks how much water is used and causing higher bills, image KFOR

Another customer, Tom Caton, noticed the spike in his bill and decided enough was enough. Caton says him and his wife tried reaching out to the city manager and even the mayor but have not heard back from them.

"You're not going to get to talk to a city manager," says Caton.

Other Choctaw residents took to Facebook to see what was going on. Many experiencing the same problems.

Choctaw residents take to Facebook about new smart meters

Going forward, Choctaw resident's are hoping that the issue will eventually get fixed.

"We feel like we've been left behind, we'll wait and see what the next month brings," Caton says.

News 4 reached out to the City of Choctaw, and were told no one was available to comment.