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JetBrains launches Qodana Self-Hosted


JetBrains has released an on-premises edition of Qodana, the company’s code quality platform based on the static code analysis engine of JetBrains IDEs. With Qodana Self-Hosted, users can manage and maintain the platform on their own infrastructure.

With Qodana Self-Hosted, announced July 3, developers gain complete control over analysis reports, user accounts, and other sensitive data, as well as Qodana maintenance and upgrades, JetBrains said. Qodana Self-Hosted offers a suite of features of the company’s advanced cloud plan, Qodana Ultimate Plus, that make static code analysis effective for organizations of any size, JetBrains said. The feature set includes an issues overview, integrations with JetBrains IDE and Visual Studio Code, quick fixes, CI/CD integrations, license auditing, rule-based custom code inspections, and other capabilities.

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