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My situationship ghosted me for someone else


DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER months of mixed signals and constant back and forths, the man I love has ghosted me for someone else.

I’m 27, he’s 29 and we’ve been on and off dating for nine months. 

We first met at a mutual friend’s birthday party and had instant chemistry. 

For months we went on great dates, had fantastic sex, and even started to meet each other’s friends. I was falling head over heels for him and thought he was feeling the same way.

However, he eventually started disappearing from time to time.

Whether it was days or weeks, there were periods when I wouldn’t hear a word from him. 

At the time I convinced myself it was fine, that he must be busy. He always came back after all. 

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Yet now, after weeks of being ignored again, he’s shared a photo online of him and a new woman.

I had always had suspicions he may be seeing other people, but he had always reassured me when I brought it up.

Now I feel so broken and upset.

I thought we had something special. How could he do this to me?



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Deidre says: This is really a blessing in disguise.

That man was never going to be good enough for you – you deserve someone who can totally commit and prioritise you, not disappear for weeks on end. 

My support pack, Moving On, will help you pick up the pieces.

When you’re ready to get back out there, my support pack, Finding The Right Partner For You, will aid you in finding a better match.