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REPORT: White House in Complete Turmoil Over Biden’s Decline, Insiders Claim ‘Everyone is Freaking the F**k Out’


The White House is in a state of complete turmoil following Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance last Thursday.

According to a bombshell report from Axios on Tuesday, questions about Biden’s future have thrown the entire White House operation into a state of chaos, with many staffers and officials scared and uncertain about the future.

The report states:

Officials on President Biden’s White House and campaign staffs say they’re feeling rage, sadness, frustration and resolve over his debate performance and his team’s response to it, more than a dozen White House and campaign aides told Axios.

Biden’s performance at the debate has left many of his own aides worried about his mental fitness, and angry about what they see as a lack of candor from Biden’s senior aides.

“It’s the first topic of every conversation,” one White House official said. “Senior leadership has given us nothing. To act like it’s business as usual is delusional.”

Another official put it more bluntly: “Everyone is freaking the f*** out.”

“The uncertainty after Thursday is palpable and anxiety is only increasing,” a third White House official told Axios.

“People are looking for leadership and direction that they were told to trust, and hoped was there, but aren’t yet feeling in what is now clearly a defining moment for this presidency.”

The shocking quotes just keep on coming:

Axios granted several Biden officials anonymity to describe the atmosphere in the White House and on the campaign in the days since the debate.

One Biden confidante told Axios: “For everyone who really cares about Biden and his legacy, the debate was just painful to watch.”

“It’s dark,” said an official involved in the campaign. “It feels like there is zero leadership or information. People are being told to keep their heads down and keep working, but they’re not seeing the president or being given any reason why they should have faith in him.”

Such reports underline the growing consensus among Democrat elites that Biden’s dementia is finally catching up with him and that he should make way for a younger, more electable candidate.

However, the Biden campaign has repeatedly pushed back against any suggestions that he should step aside, while the old codger himself has also insisted he won’t be dropping out the race.

Only time will tell what will happen, although Donald Trump will inevitably be the beneficiary of the chaos surrounding the Biden White House.

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