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Four Signs Your Carburetor Needs Cleaning - 610AutoHaus

Your European automobile is a high-performance automobile no matter the make and model you drive. As we discussed in a previous blog, European manufacturers design their vehicles with performance in mind. As such, there will be times when your carburetor needs cleaning and/or an adjustment. We can handle that for you at 610AutoHaus, so bring your vehicle in if you experience any of the following.Your Car Won’t StartThe cause of an engine failing to start could be any number of things. It could be the alternator, battery, starter, fuel pump, spark plugs… we could go on. If you can get your engine to turn over yet it still won’t catch and start, it could be your carburetor. A dirty carburetor will prevent the air/fuel mixture needed to ignite the engine from making its way into the ignition system.Your Car Is Running LeanDoes it sound as if your car sneezes? What about popping sounds? These are indicators that your vehicle is running what we call lean. Lean means your vehicle isn’t sendi...