Pitching Rules
This handout was given to you as a courtesy by your USA Softball umpiring group. Knowledge of the rules will allow you to know what’s expected of both pitchers in a game. These rules should be discussed with recreation level coaches to make beginners and their coaches aware of the legal pitching rules requirements.Rules for the USA Softballand the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS)1. The Pitching position: USA Softball and NFHS: The pitcher must assume the pitching position with the ball in either hand with the hands separated. Stepping on the pitching plate with your hands together is a violation. While legally on the pitching plate putting your hands together and then separating them without without the simultaneous delivery of the pitch is a violation. When you separate your hands at any time it must be simulations with starting the pitch or it is a violation. After separating your hands and starting your motion it is a violation if you make a second touch, and separation, a...