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Anti-cheat in video games: The A to Z - Irdeto Insights

Video gaming has been growing at an astonishing rate – especially in the last two years, during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are more than two billion gamers worldwide, playing a wide selection of games on their devices – and a huge proportion of them take part in competitive online multiplayer games. With this increase, we have also been observing a rise in cheating. The ways in which it happens are becoming more sophisticated, making cheat prevention more important than ever.How does cheating affect honest players, game designers and developers, and the industry as a whole? And is there a solution to ensure game cyber security? In this article, we discuss it from A to Z. Happy reading!Table of ContentsWhat is cheating in video games?What tricks are commonly used to cheat in video games?How is cheating in video games affecting honest gamers’ experience?How is cheating affecting the gaming industry?What is the financial impact of cheating in video games?How can you protect your game fr...