Red Claw Ring
Red Claw RingRed Claw RingCrit Damage: +3%☠ Requires Wolf Slayer 5.RARE ACCESSORYCategoryAccessoryRarityRAREStats3 Crit DamageRequirements Wolf Slayer 5Internal IDRED_CLAW_RING Upgrades Previous Red Claw TalismanNext Red Claw ArtifactAttributes Sellable NoTradable Yes Auctionable Yes Reforgeable No Enchantable No Museum NoMaterials Raw Materials40,960 Gold Ingot18,432 Leather1,032 Wolf Tooth160 BoneThe Red Claw Ring is a RARE Accessory from the Wolf Slayer.It is the upgraded form of the Red Claw Talisman.Contents1 Obtaining1.1 Recipe Tree2 Usage3 Upgrading4 HistoryObtainingThe Red Claw Ring can be crafted after unlocking Wolf Slayer Level 5.It is crafted using 32 Enchanted Leather, 8 Golden Tooth, Red Claw Talisman.Craft Item8Enchanted LeatherUNCOMMON2Golden Tooth RARE8Enchanted LeatherUNCOMMONQuick Crafting SlotQuick crafting allows you tocraft items without assemblingthe recipe.2Golden Tooth RARERed Claw TalismanCrit Damage: +1%☠ Requires Wolf Slayer 1. UNCOMMON ACCESSORY2Golden Toot...