Butterflying lifers
I’ve occasionally seen new butterfly species abroad – Scarce and Yellow Swallowtail, various blues, Cleopatra, and one or two others. But, we took a trip to northern Greece in June 2024 that was all about butterflies and birds and my world “tick list” expanded by quite a bit. Here’s the gallery of butterfly species we saw and of which I got photographs. There were several other species we saw between us that I don’t think I got photos, including Dark Green Fritillary, Essex and Small Skippers, possibly Anomolous Blue, and one or two others.
- Blue, Amanda’s (Polyommatus amandus)
- Blue, Eastern Baton (Pseudophilotes vicrama)
- Blue, European Common (Polyommatus icarus)
- Blue, Iolas (Iolana iolas)
- Blue, Lang’s Short-tailed (Leptotes pirithous)
- Blue, Large (Phengaris arion)
- Blue, Little Tiger (Tarucus balkanicus)
- Blue, Mazarine (Cyaniris semiargus,)
- Blue, Small (Cupido minimus)
- Brown Argus (Aricia agestis)
- Brown, Large Wall (Lasiommata maera)
- Brown, Lattice (Kirinia roxelana)
- Brown, Meadow (Maniola jurtina)
- Brown, Wall (Lasiommata megera)
- Cardinal, The (Argynnis Pandora)
- Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne)
- Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus)
- Copper, Balkan (Lycaena candens)
- Copper, Lesser Fiery (Lycaena thersamon)
- Copper, Purple-shot (Lycaena alciphron)
- Copper, Sooty (Lycaena tityrus)
- Eastern Festoon (Allancastria cerisyi)
- Fritillary, Heath ( Melitaea athalia)
- Fritillary, Knapweed (Melitaea phoebe)
- Fritillary, Lesser Marbled (Brenthis ino)
- Fritillary, Lesser Spotted (Melitaea trivia)
- Fritillary, Marbled (Brenthis daphne)
- Fritillary, Niobe (Fabriciana niobe)
- Fritillary, Pearl-bordered (Boloria euphrosyne)
- Fritillary, Queen of Spain (Issoria lathonia)
- Fritillary, Silver-washed (Argynnis paphia)
- Fritillary, Spotted (Melitaea didyma)
- Grayling, Eastern Rock (Hipparchia syriaca)
- Grayling, Great Banded (Brintesia circe)
- Hairstreak, Blue-spot (Satyrium spini)
- Hairstreak, Green (Callophrys rubi)
- Hairstreak, Ilex (Satyrium ilicis)
- Hairstreak, Sloe (Satyrium acacia)
- Hairstreak, White-letter (Satyrium w-album)
- Heath, Pearly (Coenonympha arcania)
- Heath, Small (Coenonympha pamphilus)
- Hermit, The (Chazara briseis)
- Nettle-tree Butterfly (Libythea celtis)
- Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
- Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)
- Ringlet, Woodland (Erebia medusa)
- Skipper, Dingy (Erynnis tages)
- Skipper, Grizzled (Pyrgus malvae)
- Skipper, Large (Ochlodes sylvanus)
- Skipper, Mallow (Carcharodus alceae)
- Skipper, Yellow-banded (Pyrgus sidae)
- Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta)
- Swallowtail, Common Yellow (Papilio machaon)
- Swallowtail, Scarce (Iphiclides podalirius)
- Tortoiseshell, Large (Nymphalis polychloros)
- Tortoiseshell, Small (Aglais urticae)
- White, Balkan Marbled (Melanargia larissa)
- White, Black-veined (Aporia crataeg)
- White, Black-veined (Aporia crataegi)
- White, Eastern Bath (Pontia edusa)
- White, Marbled (Melanargia galathea)
- White, Small (Pieris rapae)
- White, Wood (Leptidea sinapis)