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Butterflying lifers


I’ve occasionally seen new butterfly species abroad – Scarce and Yellow Swallowtail, various blues, Cleopatra, and one or two others. But, we took a trip to northern Greece in June 2024 that was all about butterflies and birds and my world “tick list” expanded by quite a bit. Here’s the gallery of butterfly species we saw and of which I got photographs. There were several other species we saw between us that I don’t think I got photos, including Dark Green Fritillary, Essex and Small Skippers, possibly Anomolous Blue, and one or two others.

    1. Blue, Amanda’s (Polyommatus amandus)
    2. Blue, Eastern Baton (Pseudophilotes vicrama)
    3. Blue, European Common (Polyommatus icarus)
    4. Blue, Iolas (Iolana iolas)
    5. Blue, Lang’s Short-tailed (Leptotes pirithous)
    6. Blue, Large (Phengaris arion)
    7. Blue, Little Tiger (Tarucus balkanicus)
    8. Blue, Mazarine (Cyaniris semiargus,)
    9. Blue, Small (Cupido minimus)
    10. Brown Argus (Aricia agestis)
    11. Brown, Large Wall (Lasiommata maera)
    12. Brown, Lattice (Kirinia roxelana)
    13. Brown, Meadow (Maniola jurtina)
    14. Brown, Wall (Lasiommata megera)
    15. Cardinal, The (Argynnis Pandora)
    16. Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne)
    17. Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus)
    18. Copper, Balkan (Lycaena candens)
    19. Copper, Lesser Fiery (Lycaena thersamon)
    20. Copper, Purple-shot (Lycaena alciphron)
    21. Copper, Sooty (Lycaena tityrus)
    22. Eastern Festoon (Allancastria cerisyi)
    23. Fritillary, Heath ( Melitaea athalia)
    24. Fritillary, Knapweed (Melitaea phoebe)
    25. Fritillary, Lesser Marbled (Brenthis ino)
    26. Fritillary, Lesser Spotted (Melitaea trivia)
    27. Fritillary, Marbled (Brenthis daphne)
    28. Fritillary, Niobe (Fabriciana niobe)
    29. Fritillary, Pearl-bordered (Boloria euphrosyne)
    30. Fritillary, Queen of Spain (Issoria lathonia)
    31. Fritillary, Silver-washed (Argynnis paphia)
    32. Fritillary, Spotted (Melitaea didyma)
    33. Grayling, Eastern Rock (Hipparchia syriaca)
    34. Grayling, Great Banded (Brintesia circe)
    35. Hairstreak, Blue-spot (Satyrium spini)
    36. Hairstreak, Green (Callophrys rubi)
    37. Hairstreak, Ilex (Satyrium ilicis)
    38. Hairstreak, Sloe (Satyrium acacia)
    39. Hairstreak, White-letter (Satyrium w-album)
    40. Heath, Pearly (Coenonympha arcania)
    41. Heath, Small (Coenonympha pamphilus)
    42. Hermit, The (Chazara briseis)
    43. Nettle-tree Butterfly (Libythea celtis)
    44. Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
    45. Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)
    46. Ringlet, Woodland (Erebia medusa)
    47. Skipper, Dingy (Erynnis tages)
    48. Skipper, Grizzled (Pyrgus malvae)
    49. Skipper, Large (Ochlodes sylvanus)
    50. Skipper, Mallow (Carcharodus alceae)
    51. Skipper, Yellow-banded (Pyrgus sidae)
    52. Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta)
    53. Swallowtail, Common Yellow (Papilio machaon)
    54. Swallowtail, Scarce (Iphiclides podalirius)
    55. Tortoiseshell, Large (Nymphalis polychloros)
    56. Tortoiseshell, Small (Aglais urticae)
    57. White, Balkan Marbled (Melanargia larissa)
    58. White, Black-veined (Aporia crataeg)
    59. White, Black-veined (Aporia crataegi)
    60. White, Eastern Bath (Pontia edusa)
    61. White, Marbled (Melanargia galathea)
    62. White, Small (Pieris rapae)
    63. White, Wood (Leptidea sinapis)