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My father broke my arm and wrote me out of his will


DEAR DEIDRE: My father broke my arm in a fit of rage and then left all of his estate to my brother when he died.

I’m a man of 56 and my dad was 82 when he passed away with dementia.

My brother has a gambling addiction and has had money problems for years so I know all the inheritance will go down the drain.
It’s absolutely gutting.

Before his death last year, I’d been helping him in his greenhouse with some seedlings but when I tried to tip some compost into the smaller pots, a huge amount tipped all over the floor.

Dad went berserk, yelling at me. He raised his walking stick to me and wacked me around the head then when I put my arm up to stop him, he hit me so hard he broke my arm.

My father passed away nine months later. When the will was read, I had been left out completely and so had my sister.

My sister lives in Spain and she thinks my elder brother coerced Dad into changing his will.

My brother lives two streets away from me and got every single penny. Now he refuses to see me.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sorry that the end of your father’s life was so difficult for you.

If your father changed his will since his dementia diagnosis then you may have grounds to contest it but you need evidence and a solicitor to represent you.

Talk to your father’s doctor to see what information they can give you. His death certificate may mention dementia.

The outcome of contesting a will is by no means certain and it could be costly so talk to your local Citizens Advice Bureau (

They offer free advice and may be able to recommend a law firm who will assist you on a no-win no-fee basis.



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