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I moved back in with my mum at 28 with my baby – she had to buy a bigger home to fit us in, I don’t care if we’re judged


A SINGLE MUM told how she’s moved back home to live with her own mother at the age of 28.

Beth Page thought she had flown the nest for good seven years ago and didn’t expect to ever return.

Beth Page
Single mum Beth Page has spoken out about moving back home with her own mum[/caption]
Beth’s mum Linda bought a bigger house to fit them all in[/caption]
Baby Oliver already has his new playroom space in the new home[/caption]

But then she fell pregnant after her first and only one night stand and is now a mother to little Oliver, who’s 18 months old.

Her mum Linda has since bought a bigger place and now all three generations live under the same roof in Edinburgh.

Student Beth said: “I never would have thought I’d be living at home as a single mum still in uni at 28.

“My only worry was that it felt like I was going backwards in life a little bit.

“But since being here I’ve realised that everyone is on a different path and this is what is right for us at the moment.

“I honestly love it so much, even just having another adult to talk to has been so nice.

“As much as I love Oliver, it’s hard going just talking to a baby all day. My mum is basically my best friend at this point. We get along so well.”

Beth feared she might never be a mum after she spent more than a year trying for a baby.

But after splitting from her ex she slept with a friend of a friend after a boozy night out and fell pregnant.

Suddenly the full-time psychology student had to juggle life at Edinburgh University alongside caring for a baby, a dog and running a house.

She admitted she was struggling to keep on top of everything, and her mum would pop in most days to help out.

Then one weekend Beth and Linda went to look at houses and came up with a new plan.

Beth said: “It all kind of fell into place.

“Mum and I randomly decided to look at some newbuilds for fun and we got such a good feeling when we went into the houses.

“When we came out we just kind of knew that was going to be our next move.

“So my mum sold her home to get a bigger one so me, Oliver and the dog could move in.”

Since moving in a month ago Beth hasn’t felt like there are any negatives at all.

Without being asked her mum pitches in and will take care of Oliver so Beth can catch up on studies or sleep.

Beth added: “Oliver is so happy.

“He has a lovely big garden to play in, which I would never have been able to give him on my own anytime soon.

“And of course he gets to see his grandma everyday.”

Beth has found that having her mum under the roof has made a huge difference to her life.

I never would have thought I’d be living at home as a single mum still in uni at 28

Beth Page

She said: “It’s made life way more easier than I could ever have expected.

“I am so grateful that my mum did this for us. I feel like it’s a fresh start for me and Oliver and we are both so happy here.”

Beth appreciates that the big move might not be for everyone.

And she has faced some comments from trolls who have told her to “do better and get her own house”, claiming that she shouldn’t be living with her mum at her age.

But she urged anyone in the same situation to at least give it a go.

She said: “Definitely think about it for sure.

“I think I had some doubts at first. There is this misconception that you have to move out of your parent’s house as soon as possible to be doing life right.

“But having three generations in a household has been amazing. If it works for everyone involved there is no shame in it.”