News in English

Sussex Masters Badminton Practice Sessions

The practice sessions for the inter county league 2024/25 season will be held at the Portslade Sports Centre using both halls from 09:30 to 12:00 noon. 

The dates booked are: 

14th July 2024

28th July 2024 

11th August 2024 

The dates for team squad practice are:

8th September 2024 

22nd September 2024. (New Hall only from 09:30 to 13:30 Groupings to be advised) 

Masters badminton is for those aged 39+ and teams are split into 5 year bands ie over 39, 45, 50 etc up to 75.  

If you are not already on the list of members receiving invites to these events but of league standard and keen to play, do please contact us via the Sussex Badminton website , select the “Masters” option and we will be in contact with you.