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Dragon Ball's 12 Highest Power Levels Ranked

Dragon Ball is a series known for its incredibly powerful fighters, and luckily for fans, these fighters' strength can be ranked objectively through power levels. Over the years, fans have witnessed the growth and evolution of characters like Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza as they continue to push their limits and unlock new levels of strength. While not integral to the series, early Dragon Ball Z introduced the concept of power levels, a numerical measure of one's strength in battle. Though they were introduced to the series in order to show how meaningless it would be to use them on Earth's trained martial artists, fans were soon up in arms over which character had a bigger number than the other. Dragon Ball seldom revealed actual power levels, but looking at statements both in the series and outside of it, it's possible to determine which Dragon Ball characters rank highest in power levels. 12 Nail the Namekian: 42,000 Nail is one of the strongest Namekian warriors on the planet, and when...