News in English

WMATA | EZ-Pay Is a Better Way to Pay

With EZ-Pay, you can prepay your MetroAccess fare by phone or the Internet with a credit/debit card, or in person with cash at the Metro Center Sales Office. You can also review your trip history online, and any complimentary trips that you receive will be credited to your account electronically. Take advantage of the convenience and security of EZ-Pay. Simply prepay with EZ-Pay, then show your MetroAccess photo ID to the driver when you board the vehicle.Your EZ pay account is automatically established when you are certified for MetroAccess. Your MetroAccess customer ID is your Log on ID and MetroAccess password followed by the # key. Your default password is your eight-digit date of birth. Should you forget your password or need it reset, please contact the Transit Accessibility Center at 202-962-2700 and select option 5 (TTY 202-962-2033).EZ-Pay Works with SmartBenefits®If you receive a transit benefit through your employer's SmartBenefits® program, you can now direct your monthly t...