English Pronunciation, Lesson 28 - Y Consonant Sound
EnglishPronunciation, Lesson 28PreviousLesson | Listof Lessons | NextLessonThe Y consonant soundcanbe difficult to learn for some English language learners. This isbecause the letter Ycan be pronounced as a vowelor a consonant in English. In this lesson, you willlearn about the Yconsonant sound and how it is different from the Y vowelsounds.Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English TensesThe Yconsonant sound(IPAsymbol: j)can be found in AmericanEnglish words such as yes,you, yesterday, young, beyond, and kayak.In English, the letter Y can be a consonant sound or a vowel sound.Consonant: Theletter Y is a consonantsoundwhen it is at thebeginningof a word (yes)or is the firstletterin the syllable before a vowel (beyond = be/yond).Vowel:The letter Y is a vowelsoundwhen it is at the end of aword(happy) or anywhereelse in the syllable(gym, crying).Inthis lesson, we will practice the Yconsonant sound. But first, let'slook at the Y vowel sounds, so youkno...