Oxidative Stress Testing
Oxidative stress has been associated with aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, respiratory disease, renal disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and can evoke the immune response and allergic conditions. The National Institute of Health identifies a number of influences leading to oxidative stress such as obesity, poor diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure to radiation, toxins, pollution, and pesticides.Testing for oxidative stress aims to assess for factors that indicate the body has been impacted by an overabundance of free radicals such as with 8-OHdG (an indicator of cell damage to DNA), or identify the presence of antioxidants such as glutathione. There are also Oxidative stress tests that determine the body’s state of balance of radicals and antioxidants including Cell Science Systems' Cellular Nutrition Assay, Doctor's Data's DNA Oxidative Damage, and Precision Point's Advanced Ox StressOxidative stress is a physiological condition when there are more...