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How do people hear about your event? - Culture Counts

Table of ContentsAvailable optionsHow do people respond?Breaking these down We’ve dug into our Culture Counts data set to identify how people hear about the events our clients put on. Here are some of our findings.Available optionsA commonly used custom question in Culture Counts surveys is “How did you find out about [name awesome event here]?”. This will often be a multiple-choice question with some options identified for selection. The most commonly provided options are shown the chart below:How do people respond?Ok, so those are the options respondents are commonly presented with (remember, this is typically in the form of a multiple-choice question). Looking at responses in the aggregate we can see what the most common responses are for why people have attended the particular event:Breaking these down Into different event art formsWe can dig a bit deeper by categorising the events into different art forms and seeing if there are differences in how people hear about them. Each of t...