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Between Rhetoric and Sophistry: The Puzzling Case of Plato’s Gorgias

AcknowledgmentI am grateful to Chad Jorgenson for his careful correction of the English text.ReferencesArends, F. 2007. “Why Socrates Came Too Late for Gorgias’ Epideixis: Plato’s Gorgias as Political Philosophy.” In Gorgias-Menon Selected Papers from the Seventh Symposium Platonicum, edited by M. Erler, and L. Brisson, 52–56. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.Search in Google ScholarBona, G. 1974. “Λόγος e ἀλήθεια nell Encomio di Elena di Gorgia.” Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 102:5–33.Search in Google ScholarBuchheim, T. 1989. Gorgias von Leontinoi. Reden, Fragmente und Testimonien. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.Search in Google ScholarCalogero, G. 1932. Studi sull’eleatismo. Roma: Tipografia del Senato.Search in Google ScholarCanto-Sperber, M. 2007. Platon. Gorgias. Paris: GF Flammarion.Search in Google ScholarDalfen, J. 2004. Platon. Gorgias. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.Search in Google ScholarDe Romilly, J. 1988. Les grands sophistes dans l’Athènes de Périclès....