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Why Simeon shouldn’t step in


HDPA writes:

The optics of a National minister neutering the power of the country’s first Green mayor and most left-wing council ever could be used against him. At worst, he could be accused of taking revenge against mayor Tory Whānau for the stream of stupid things she said about him before the last election.

But more than anything, a Green-led council fighting in public is hardly a spectacle a centre-right central government should rush to hide. WCC became the darling of left-wing voters when it was the only council that moved left in an election where most councils shifted to the right.

But the disaster they’ve turned into has even members of the Green Party distancing themselves from the Green mayor.

As they say, never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake.

Wellingtonians voted for a Labour/Green Council and they got one. It is not the job of the Minister to save us from our own votes!

The post Why Simeon shouldn’t step in first appeared on Kiwiblog.