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11 Tips for Open Water Safety

Open water swimming is a great workout, whether you’re training for a triathlon, a swim event, or snorkeling to check out fish and other marine life. While we love our water adventures, it’s important to be aware of some of the risks associated with open water swimming. These risks don’t mean you should be afraid to venture outthere, but sometimes being prepared and taking precautions can make all the difference. The following are some tips to help you stay safe when swimming and snorkeling in the open water:Rule #1: Never swim alone.When you head out into the open water, make sure you go with a partner: someone who’s looking out for you, and in turn, you’re looking out for them. The lifeguard isn’t your “swim buddy.” Even though it’s great to have lifeguards on duty, they have many people to track to be solely concerned with your safety. Swimming can often more fun when shared too. Never swim alone.Get comfortable in open water.Already at the beach? Gradually build your confidence swi...