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'Dr. Who' has WORST RATINGS in 60-year history after taking 'decisively queer step'


(THE BLAZE) – “Dr. Who” has been a fan favorite for the 60 years it’s been on air, but with its recent record low ratings on Disney Plus — that’s all changing.

“Not only is the show absolutely not doing well, but it is failing spectacularly. Like it is doing so poorly,” Lauren Chen of “Pseudo-Intellectual” comments, noting that the “show has been on the decline for a while now.” Since the first episode of the season, fewer and fewer people are tuning in for more.

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The issues began with the portrayal of Dr. Who — who is now a crossdressing black man — and went downhill from there. “They were so focused on trying to pander to black people and queer people and get them interested in the show, they forgot about welcoming, like, just actual Dr. Who fans to watch the show,” Chen says.

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