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Recognizing signs of shock in pediatric patients can be tricky |…

Recognizing signs of shock in pediatric patients can be trickyED nurses must pay close attention to symptoms of shock in children, stresses Mary Fran Hazinski, RN, MSN, FAAN, clinical specialist in the division of trauma at Vanderbilt University and Children's Hospital in Nashville, TN. "The signs of shock can be very subtle in pediatric patients," she says. Here are tips to consider when assessing and treating children in shock:Start with the ABCs. If the child's airway and oxygenation are adequate, move on to circulation. "The heart rate should always be appropriate for the child's clinical condition-tachycardia is usually much more appropriate than a normal cardia or bradycardia," says Hazinski. "You also need to evaluate peripheral perfusion and color, the child's responsiveness, and signs of organ profusion such as urine output."Continuously evaluate the child's response to therapy. "If the child is not becoming more alert and improving, then you need to be worried that there is s...