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Winning Elections With a Single Glance


There’s the devilish look on little Zoe Roth’s face in the burning house meme, Harold’s long-suffering smile, and Chloe, the little girl who became famous for her expression, somewhere between confused and distrustful, from the back seat of the family car when her mother explained that they weren’t headed to school but to Disneyland.

There is the Wile E. Coyote expression, as he glances towards the Roadrunner while falling a cliff for the umpteenth time, Alf’s look when he gets bored and bangs his little fingers on a table, and Colonel Smith’s amused expression when they are about to kill him and he calmly and ceremoniously lights his big cigar. (READ MORE: A Dismal Debate for Biden: Gen Z Responds)

There is the look of Jesus to St. Matthew in Caravaggio’s painting, the droopy-eyed look of Walter Matthau to Jack Lemon in the movie Frontpage, the turquoise eyes of Elizabeth Taylor, the look of Scrooge McDuck gives Donald after giving him a caning, and the look of the male toucan to the female toucan on the wedding night.

There is the look of Caesar to Brutus at his assassination, the look on the face of soccer player Toni Kroos while lifting Real Madrid’s 15th European Cup, and the look of my ex-girlfriend every time I told her I was having dinner with friends from work. The beautiful, albeit botox-infused, look of Angelina Jolie, the welcoming and charitable look of St. John Paul II, the leftist banging look of Milei, and the craziest look ever played by Jack Nicholson.

There are looks that welcome, that reject, that invite, that love, that hate, that amuse, that question, that emphasize, that mislead, that frighten, and that have made history. There are all kinds and for every situation, and most of them can be framed within some general category because they repeat the same patterns. (READ MORE: The Most Disastrous Debate Performance in U.S. History)

And yet, throughout history, whether you look in movies or politics, sports or music, you won’t ever find a look as thunderous, as iconic, as definitive, as eloquent, as the one Donald Trump gave Joe Biden in the debate, as the president put on his particular show of confusion, hesitation, and obvious mental collapse. That look is the meme of the year.

Everything was encapsulated in Trump’s eyes and his stance. If you ask me which was the best speech in the history of the former president, I will tell you it happened last night. It was that look, without saying a single word. His head was slightly raised and cocked to one side, looking towards Biden, tight-lipped frown, an undeniable seriousness in every detail, except in the eyes, where you could see that he was going to great lengths not to crack up, because, at the end of the day, Biden’s show is humanly depressing.

As if the look wasn’t enough, he added the tagline, a demolishing tagline, as if he wanted to win the elections there and then, in a hurry, in a single sentence: “I don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, I don’t think he knows either.”

There will be those who consider Trump’s position an abuse in the face of Biden’s obvious decrepitude, but I doubt that politics is the right place to engage in charity work with rivals, even more so when behind the adorable old man you have behind the wild politics of postmodern socialists: taxes and more taxes, agenda 2030, skyrocketing public spending, woke depravation, and cancellation of dissent. Trump is not crushing a harmless old man, but the one who represents the spearhead of that dangerous ideology that ruins nations, that ruins people, that ruins societies. (READ MORE: Nine Takeaways From the Trump v. Biden Debate)

Anyway, I can think of a great idea so that the former president does not have to bully his rival and make him bite the dust in such a humiliating way: Someone among the Democrats should have the decency to understand that the use they are making of an old, incapable, and sick man is really disgusting.

Biden was already a lousy politician when he was in top form. What he is now is a bad joke.

The post Winning Elections With a Single Glance appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.