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'Dumb as a box of rocks': Internet mocks Trump for confusing solar power and electricity


Former President Donald Trump, the convicted felon who originated the thought experiment on whether it would be better to be electrocuted by a boat or eaten by a shark, stunned the nation on Friday when he looked to the sky and found yet another new concern.

Trump detailed the problem to attendees of his rally in Chesapeake, Virginia.

"They want electric planes," Trump told the crowd. "What if the sun isn't shining when you're up in the air?"

This comment was met with a few awkward chuckles on the ground and much mockery on social media.

"Dumb as a box of rocks," declared liberal pundit Fred Wellman.

"Turns out the guy who stares at the sun during an eclipse and urges people to drink bleach doesn't have the strongest grasp on science," added atheist author and blogger Hemant Mehta.

"Um," asked the accountability group American Bridge, "does this guy not know the difference between solar power and electric power?"

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"You mean my flashlight won’t work in the dark?" added Ann Haley. "Oh no!"

The Biden-Harris campaign decided to send followers the full clip without comment of any kind, possibly feeling it was not necessary.

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