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New & improved exhibits as Ft William Henry Museum turns 70


LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. (NEWS10) — In the shadow of Lake George stands Fort William Henry. The Warren County war relic encapsulates the history of the French and Indian War.

“This was a very strategic outpost to try to repel the French from coming down into what [was then] British territory,” said Museum Operations Director Ken Mark.

To get visitors just as excited as he is, Mark has spearheaded improvements to the museum. From augmented reality battle recreations to a new sunken fleet exhibit and phone-guided audio tours, to an ADA-accessible ramp and lift so everyone can enjoy, these interactive additions come in time for the museum's 70th anniversary. 

“This has allowed me to have a very different lens to help create an experience for people that becomes memorable. It tells a story, we create an arc. It's just not walking through a dusty old collection it's very interactive," said Mark.

Among all the history Ken showed NEWS10, newly added exhibits acknowledging Indigenous Iroquois presence in Lake George was one of the most notable.

“It's such an untold story in so many locations. This land was not ours to begin with it didn't belong to anyone, it belonged to everyone and by acknowledging those who came before us we're just telling the story that was already there but not really being shared," said Mark.

For the kid who grew up in the North Country, the now-adult Mark is passionate about connecting his neighbors to their ancestral past. 

“Those who don't learn their history are doomed to repeat it. History is very important by looking back to go forward it allows people a new perspective,” Mark said.

The museum director says they’ll be working on expanding existing exhibits as well as adding live music and food to make visitor’s experience even more interactive.