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Trump leads presidential election polls in 6 out of 10 largest states


President Donald J. Trump participates in the National Anthem at the College Football Playoff National Championship Monday, Jan. 13, 2020, at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)

Recent polls from polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight show former President Donald Trump leading in six out of the ten largest states in the nation. These include Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, and North Carolina.

Unsurprisingly, President Joe Biden leads the polls in California and New York, but he may face some stiff competition from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as polls show Biden and Kennedy – who is running as an independent – are neck and neck in Illinois.

FiveThirtyEight polls as of June 27, show California has Biden leading by 49.5%, while Trump sits at 29.6% and Kennedy has 10.4%.

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Texas has Trump in the lead by 7.2 percentage points with 43.4%, while Biden has 36.2%, and Kennedy has 10.9%.

The gap widens in Florida, where Trump leads by 8.4 percentage points, with 45.5% over Biden’s 37.0%, and Kennedy’s 7.7%.

The Empire State – New York – has Biden leading the polls by 10.4 percentage points at 46.1% over Trump’s 35.7%, and Kennedy’s 8.2%.

Battleground state Pennsylvania gives a slim edge to Trump, leading by 0.8 percentage points with 42.8% over Biden who has 42%. Kennedy sits at 7.5%.

Illinois has Kennedy leading over both Trump and Biden. According to the last available poll taken in April, Kennedy had an 11-percentage point lead over Trump, with 48% over Trump’s 37%. During the 2020 election, Illinois favored Biden by 16 percentage points with 54.8%, while Trump had 39.0%.

The gap has also widened in Ohio since the 2020 election. Currently, Trump leads by 9.3 percentage points with 46.1%, while Biden has 36.8% and Kennedy sits at 7.7%. During the 2020 election, Trump led by 0.8 percentage points with 47.5%, over Biden’s 46.6%.

The Peach State favors Trump over Biden. In Georgia, Trump is leading by 5.4 percentage points with 44.1%, Biden has 38.8%, while Kennedy has 7.9%.

North Carolina favors Trump by 6.1 percentage points with 44.6% over Biden’s 38.4%, and Kennedy’s 8.1%.

Michigan has Biden in the lead by a slight margin of 0.2 percentage points with 42.5%, while Trump has 42%, and Kennedy has 7.8%.

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