Black voters out in force to support Trump in Philadelphia
President Donald J. Trump delivers his remarks Saturday, Feb. 29, 2019, during his appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Oxon Hill, Maryland. (Official White House photo by Tia Dufour)
Black voters were out in force in Philadelphia to show their support for President Donald Trump. In a clip by Real America's Voice at a recent Trump rally, one voter stated she is voting for Trump because "he is the people's president."
You’ve GOT TO LISTEN TO THIS RANT! It’s very inspiring to hear THE PEOPLE WAKE UP! He’s (DJT) got the military, but he needed the people TO TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK FROM THE CRIMINAL SYNDICATE
— Bobby D (@robertdunlap947) June 27, 2024
"He is the only one who can save the United States of America from destruction from within by the Democrats and the radical left," the woman said.
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She went on to say – correctly – that the Democrats were the party that created the KKK and enacted Jim Crow laws that separated blacks from whites, and lynched black people.
"The Democratic Party that opposed all major civil rights laws that favor the minority, the Democrat Party are the white supremacy, the Democrat Party that divides people instead of unites people – that's an evil party," the woman said.
She went on to say that she herself is an immigrant, but noted that some immigrants who have come to live in the U.S., like George Soros, are interested only in destroying the U.S.
"Instead of being grateful, and saving the country that gave them the opportunity to succeed, they want to destroy it. So, Trump 2024, let’s save America and wake up America before we lose this country."
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