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Biden's early debate performance could send Democrats into 'full-blown panic': reporter


President Joe Biden's debate performance could send Democrats into a tailspin.

That's the analysis from Intelligencer political columnist Jonathan Chait, who live-reacted to the debate Thursday night between former President Donald Trump and President Biden.

Within the first hour, Chait asked what Democrats across the country were thinking: "Time to panic?"

"Joe Biden has started this debate looking wan," he wrote. "His voice is soft, he has looked down, and he lost his train of thought during one answer, ending on the garbled note 'we beat Medicare.' He meant they beat Pharma by winning a provision to allow Medicare to negotiation prescription drugs, but it did not track in real time."

If Biden does not turn around his performance over the course of this, I think Democrats will reach full-blown panic."

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The internet agreed.

"Every group chat I’m in is having a panic attack," @OrganizerMemes wrote on X.

"Let the Dem panic begin," wrote @stephenfhayes.

"On a 1 to 10 point scale — if this continues — the panic explosion inside the Democratic Party will hit 28 tmmrw," wrote @murphymike.